Prezident prijal honorárnych konzulov

Prezidenta SR Andrej Kiska (Autor: TASR)

“It is great to see so many successful, gifted and hard-working people from so many different countries. Linked together by a common goal – to represent and help our country and its citizens. I know from my meetings with several of you, and I have no doubt about the rest, that you fulfil your duties with great professionalism. Often investing your own resources and showing true dedication. For this I want to sincerely thank you.

Slovakia is a beautiful and successful country. Member of the EU, NATO, OECD. Stable and prosperous. Our economy grows. The unemployment is at its historical lows. Our people have more opportunities than ever in the history. At home but also abroad. With all the advantages, from time to time, come also troubles. Only during last year, the number of consular interventions reached almost four thousands. In many of these cases, your assistance was very important and highly valued. It may not always appear in the headlines. But I want to reassure you, that the fact, that our citizens have somebody to rely on in almost any part of the world, does mean a lot to us. Even in the remote areas and out of official hours.

At the same time, we are very much aware that you do much more for Slovakia than to help our people in need. People to people contacts are becoming more and more important. Especially in business, science, culture or education.

Slovakia has enormous potential for further growth. But we also have our challenges: To attract our young and bright people to stay at home and invest their gifts into our future. To improve education, healthcare and social system. To focus more on knowledge-based economy, innovation, but also tourism and promotion of Slovakia abroad.

Naturally, we look for inspiration beyond our borders. To explore opportunities. Your activities and your contacts in your countries are helping us a lot in this regard. They are very much needed. So please, if you see room for more cooperation between our countries, if you see potential for improvement, please be active. Take the lead. Let us know.

I hope that this visit will help you in what you are doing so well. That it will be a great opportunity to know our country even better. To gather new contacts and get all the support you may need in the future. I am sure you will be well equipped to carry on your mission.

To conclude, I wish to thank you once again for your service for Slovakia. You can proudly consider yourselves part of the success story of our country. I believe it will continue. Also with your help and assistance. And please, convey my best wishes to the Slovak communities living in your respective countries. Thank you.”

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